Thursday, April 7, 2011

We have been Called to Run

God knows our hearts and what we need to be encouraged to continue in him. God knows us better than we know ourselves, he even knows the number of hairs we have on our heads. So do we really trust God with our hearts?

Dear Lord, I come to you now asking for your guidence. I cannot do this alone, I need your help. I ask that you receive me as your child, and that you send me your spirit to dwell in my heart to guide me through this life. Be my inner voice and do not let me stry from your path that is set before me. Help me not to get distraced by the things of this life. Change me from the inside out, so that you may find joy in my witness unto you. May you teach me how to be your treasure for you to take delight in, and to be a light to a dying world. Now reveal to me your wisdom so that I may share it with others today oh Lord. Give me a miraculous knowledge so that you may be edified through me as your pirit speaks through me. Amen

God knows our advesaries, and he also knows our heart. God is perfect wisdom and in him we are made perfect. So when a trial comes our way, let us be patient and long suffering through it, coninually keeping our eyes fixed on him. Do not forget that he is the creator of all things. He flooded the earth to renew his promise to mankind. He parted the red sea and delivered his people from their bondage. He put up with their wickedness in the desert and kept his promise to them by delivering them to their promised land. God has made us this promise, that he is not a liar and his word is his bond. So now God has given us a promise to deliver all who will obey him through his son Jesus Christ. He sent us his spirit as his guarantee of things to come. He has promised us that when trials come that those who remain in him will be set free on the day of judgement. He has promised all of those wh are obedient unto him a place in the heavenly kingdom to come. He has promised us hardships, to strengthen our faith. He has promised us persecution for his names sake, and told us to count it as joy that we are his chosen one. So these things are obvious to even the babes in Christ.

When these trials come, and when persecution comes, therefore let us remain in him. Let us not see that as a sign of our weakness, nor a sign that God is not with us. For these things he has promised us. Therefore let us keep our eyes on the prize, which is salvation itself sothat we can know God fully even as we are fully known. A home in heaven with the father himself and his son Christ Jesus. For we are all motivated by rewards. The father has promised us rewards which are eternal. This life offers us rewards which will pass away. Therefore let us strive something worthwhile. A home in heaven with God.

Let us all be mindful, there is no prize waiting at the end of the race for a runner who drops out earliy. Therefore let us fully rely on God to keep our hearts rejuvinated in the spirit, for this race is impossible to run on our own. For where we have weaknesses, God has perfect strength. And where we are strong, God is even stronger. Let us remember these things when our faith gets tested. Without God this journey is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Therefore don't look to yourself and your own strength and say this is impossible for I am not strong enough to do this; rather, trust in the Lord to keep his promise alive in you.

The race we are running isn't about finishing first, it is about finishing. We are not in a race against anyone, so take the time to stop and help others cross the finish line. For we will not be rewarded according to how fast we finish, for this a race of endurance, of perseverance, and we will be rewarded based on how many people we help finish this race. Therefore it is written he who wants to be first, must finish last, and be a servant to all. By the same manner, we may be disqualified if we run this race without love, by being deceived, and turn it into a competion, therefore; tryng to hinder or prevent others from finishing.

So now we have come full circle, back to the foundation of the Law, which is love. For God's love for man is what everything hinges on. He loves man so much that he gave up everything he had, for us, and left his rightful place in heaven to come and die a humiliating death on the cross. If God can give up heaven for a life in the flesh, surely we can give up a life in this flesh to dwell with him in heaven. Be blessed today brothers and sisters in Christ. If you don't know Christ, get to know him. If you feel he is calling you from a life of sin, respond to him today.

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